DSTI's Response To Coronavirus (COVID-19)
DSTI is committed to taking all reasonable steps to maintain the health and safety of our workforce and trade partners, and we will keep business moving as usual to the extent we responsibly can.
Many of the challenges we are facing internally and as an industry are completely new to us, and we will take quick and decisive action as the evolution of this continues. We are going to continue to proceed based on facts we know today (without speculation) as they continue to evolve, while remaining a nimble organization that can and will adapt quickly as needed.
- DSTI is responding practically to the COVID-19 situation, following recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and local safety and health experts as appropriate.
- All DSTI employees are required to follow the CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, hand washing, etc.
- All DSTI staff who are exhibiting symptoms of any illness or feeling sick are not permitted to come to work, and must immediately return home if the onset of symptoms occurs at work. Employees have been instructed to immediately contact their healthcare provider by phone or electronically if they are experiencing mild illness to determine how to proceed. Employees have been instructed to be especially vigilant if symptoms involve fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
- DSTI employees considered at-risk due to a pre-existing health condition or other reason are encouraged to speak with their manager about risk reduction measures including remote work, alternate work hours, or full self-quarantine. DSTI leadership has been instructed to err on the side of caution when evaluating employee requests.
- DSTI employees who have traveled or will travel to high risk areas, by way of high risk travel vessels (including cruise ships) are required to stay out of the office for a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days following their return. There will not be any exceptions made to this policy. DSTI employees must notify their manager in advance of specific travel plans and confirm exact self-quarantine requirements.
- If DSTI management observes any symptoms or behaviors (in our reasonable non-medical capacity) amongst employees indicating they may not be feeling well, they will be sent home immediately and encouraged to consult with their doctor to determine how to proceed.
In addition to these general risk reduction policies, DSTI has also implemented the following across the facility:
- Eliminated all business travel.
- Terminated all scheduled visitors and terminated future access to visitors not essential to business function.
- Along with many other businesses across our state, adopted a "no hand-shake policy".
- Eliminated all unnecessary in person communications across functional teams.
- Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfecting of high traffic areas.
- Will be utilizing web meetings and/or conference calls as much as possible going forward.
- Will be providing additional opportunities for office personnel to work remotely.
- Staggered lunch/break times across teams and limited the number of individuals coming together in single locations.
DSTI is committed to our employees' health and well-being first and foremost and we are doing everything we can daily to facilitate the steps and means necessary to provide a safe and stable work environment as well as working to ensure we can meet customer's needs through these difficult and unprecedented situation we are all facing.
With respect to "essential" business, DSTI is actively designing, producing and delivering product to many customers within segments identified as essential within the Department of Homeland Security document titled "Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During Covid-19 Response" dated March 19, 2020. DSTI is currently safely able to continue work on our projects and we intend to continue to do so. Should the situation change that would affect our ability to continue, we will proactively notify all active customers at that time.
DSTI is also reliant upon a number of specialized suppliers and subcontractors. In nearly all cases we have dual source options, however because this is a global pandemic, we can't forget that there may be situations outside of DSTI's control that may affect individual projects in various facets – however we are committed to meeting our customer's needs within our capabilities.
Lastly, DSTI's leadership meets daily to discuss the new information provided by government and state agencies as well internal employee responses. We have implemented electronic systems to quickly communicate updates and receive acknowledgment of receipt and acceptance from all employees.